Sunday 28 February 2016


Guru Nanak says that no one can save anybody else. It is only Guru who guides us to safety, and to be saved, one have to follow the right path of SEWA and SIMRAN told by him.  Further the Guru is not to be found in big palaces, he lives with poor.  Let us love the poor, God will bless us.  If we recite Gurbani with love, we will find the Guru is speaking to us.  We have been reminded of his observations many times in our life. When we barely make both ends meet, we are usually sincerely devoted to GURBANI and the Sikh way of life.  But when we have excess money to spend on worldly pleasures we follow vices and ignore the real mission of human life.  DHARAM is usually the first casualty when we become rich. About SEWA Gurbani explains:  (In the midst of this world, do SEWA and you shall be given a place of honour in the Court of the Lord)

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